Are there any regulations or plans to when we acquire the technical and scientific abilities to revive some extinct species like dinosaurs using the science of genetics?
What are we going to do when we learn how to bring back extinct species?
3 Answers
I don't think anyone would be allowed to produce anything until regulations are put in place. I mean look at what's happening with auto driven cars.
That said, I think there will be some holes as usual, and will need to add or improve the laws every time we discover an issue.
But it depends, if you mean it becomes basically a widespread technology and relatively easy to use, we might start having some black-markets and criminal organizations activities, bringing all kinds of weird species
I don't think we would revive any unknown species on a large scale, maybe some dinosaurs for a zoo or something, but what we would probably revive are the species that we do know and lost, like the "bees" for example (assuming they would be actually extinct by the time we master such tech)
Well we can see a form of this in the genetically engineered crops, there are regulations that govern this but it varies by country, and there are of course huge impacts on health and economy. Waiting to see the answer of someone with more knowledge on this but I would imagine there will be strict laws to govern this otherwise it would spiral out of control
I wouldn't mind buying a genetically engineered T-Rex from the black market