You're going to be teleported 1000 years to the past and you can only take 1 back pack. You will have only 1 week to prepare, what would you take & how would you prepare?
You will travel in time 1000 years to the past, you have one week to prepare, what would you do?
3 Answers
So I would try to pick as many self sufficient items I can in the 1 backpack, like take a solar power phone charger, a solar powered small generator & rechargeable batteries, diagrams & schematics of how to build large structures such as electricity generators based on water power and that are not too advanced, meaning they should be mostly mechanical and relatively easy to build for that time period..
I would load hard drives with tons of data such as the entire downloaded Wikipedia and scientific papers..etc
It strongly depends on where am I going to land, because if I know I'll be in a place where they don't speak english then I prefer spending my week doing all I can to find a way to communicate and ensure I will survive
Well the problem is that whatever you do in that week and how much you prepare you'll be doomed if the byzantine emperor of that era (Basil II) catches you...