Imagine you found an ATM machine that is presumably faulty, where you can insert your card and withdraw any amount you want without verifying your balance even if you have $0 on your account (in the limits of how much cash is inside the ATM machine of course, usually a few thousand dollars)
What would you do if you found a faulty ATM machine that gives you money?
3 Answers
This reminds me of Doom, you are a poor guy with no ammo, no HP, no nothing and you randomly enter a hallway full of ammo, new weapons and every type of armors, heaven on earth (or whatever planet your are on)... the moment you exit that hallway you'll be slammed by the most notorious hell creature Doom has to offer... This is a fishy ATM machine man... I won't follow your hallway to hell...
I would go easy with this, I wouldn't want the bank to notice that $50k is missing everyday. I'd take a couple hundreds up to a thousand per day, and skip a day or two from time to time.
As @street_cave answered, it sound reasonable to go easy and withdraw small amounts, but I think the bank would soon notice missing amounts of money without any traceable transactions from this ATM and fix it.
I would go big and withdraw the max amount of money in the machine for as many days as I can before it gets fixed